
Lakeside Historical Society’s Bylaws

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Updated Bylaws effective May 28, 2022.



The name of this organization shall be the “Lakeside Historical Society” (also known as “LHS”).


Section 1: The objects and purposes shall be to discover, collect and preserve artifacts, books, pamphlets, maps, genealogies, photographs, pictures, field books, and any and all articles, materials, historical landmarks, buildings, and other property which may establish or illustrate the history and to perpetuate the heritage of the United States of America, and particularly the Lakeside area.

Section 2: To publish and disseminate such historical matter as this Society may authorize.

Section 3: To operate a non-profit organization. 


Section 1: The membership year shall be from January 1 to December 31. Dues not paid by February 1st will be considered delinquent.

Section 2: Classifications.
A. Individual membership
B. Family membership
C. Business/Organization membership
D. Life membership for Individuals
E. Life membership for Business/Organization

Section 3: Qualifications.
Any person interested in the purpose of this Society may become a member upon payment of annual or life membership dues. Only members in good standing may hold office.

Section 4: Voting.
Only members in good standing may vote. Family memberships shall be entitled to two (2) votes. Business/Organization memberships shall have only one (1) vote.


Section 1: General Meetings.
The General Meeting for the Society shall be the fourth Monday of each month, unless otherwise specified by the elected officers. The President may designate the time and place of each meeting. Meetings should be advertised in the newsletter, if possible.

Section 2: Quorum.
A. Fifteen (15) members shall constitute a quorum at a General Meeting for the transaction of any business of this Society.
B. Ten (10) board members, as defined in ARTICLE IV: Section 4, shall constitute a quorum at a Board Meeting for the transaction of any business of this Society. Only Board members shall be allowed to vote.

Section 3: Special Meetings.
Special meetings may be called by the President or by the elected officers. The Secretary may also call a special meeting upon the written request of not less than ten (10) members in good standing.

Section 4: Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers as described in ARTICLE V and the Standing Committee Chairpersons as described in ARTICLE VI.


Section 1: Governing Body.
The governing body of the Lakeside Historical Society shall be the elected officers, namely the President (or Co-Presidents), Vice President (or Co-Vice Presidents), Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be elected for a term of one (1) year.

Section 2: Elected Officers.
The elected officers of the Society shall be a President (or Co-Presidents), Vice President (or Co-Vice Presidents), Secretary and Treasurer.

Section 3: President.
It shall be the duty of the President (or Co-Presidents) to preside at all meetings of this Society, call such special meetings as are herein provided for, see that the bylaws, rules and regulations are enforced, appoint chairpersons of standing committees, and supervise generally the affairs of this Society. The President(s) may appoint a Parliamentarian and any other officer or chairperson as needed, upon approval by the Board.

Section 4: Vice President.
The Vice President (or Co-Vice Presidents) shall be responsible for the General Meeting programs, shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President, and perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to the office. If the President’s office becomes vacant because of death, resignation or otherwise, the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President for the unexpired term. In the case of Co-Vice Presidents, the Board may decide who to appoint through vote or consensus.

Section 5: Secretary.
The Secretary shall record and preserve minutes of all meetings and provide a copy of the minutes to the President(s) within a week. The Secretary shall retain all permanent records. Upon their retirement, the Secretary shall turn over to their successor, or to the President(s), all records or other property of this Society in their possession.

Section 6: Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall receive and be responsible for the funds of the Society and shall be accountable to the membership of this Society. The Treasurer shall pay all current bills, under the direction of the Board, keep the membership informed of the financial status of the organization, give a full-itemized accounting at each Board meeting, and prepare an annual report given at the January General Meeting. If the January General Meeting is postponed or canceled, or there are other extenuating circumstances, the Treasurer will submit the annual report for inclusion in the next possible newsletter and the report to the membership shall be made at the next scheduled General Meeting. The Treasurer is, unless other arrangements are approved by the Board, responsible for filing all forms and reports with the County, State and Federal agencies and maintaining LHS compliance with these agencies. Upon retirement, the Treasurer shall turn over to their successor or to the President(s) all funds, books, records, and any other property of this Society that is in their possession.


Section 1: All Chairpersons are members of the Board of Directors.

Section 2: All recommendations shall be presented to the Board of Directors.

Section 3: All Chairpersons shall bring a report of their activities to the Board of Directors. Standing committees include:
A. Archivist: In charge of the place where this Society’s historical materials are stored and/or displayed.
B. Hospitality: Welcomes and greets members and guests at meetings and activities, oversees that the attendance book is signed, recruit refreshment hosts for General Meetings.
C. Membership: Responsible for membership drives, collect dues, issue membership cards, and keep an accurate record of all members in good standing. Upon request, provide the President(s), Treasurer, and Secretary with a written, regularly updated list of new members and notify members of delinquent dues.
D. Newsletter: Responsible for the editing, publishing, and mailing of this Society’s newsletter. Will maintain a record of the activities of this Society by, among other things, supplying a compilation of the previous year’s newsletters for filing in the Society’s archives.
E. Press & Publicity: Endeavors to enlist the aid of all newspapers and publications to properly publicize our Society and its arms. Acts as a liaison between LHS and the community and government agencies.
F. Lakeside Design Review Board (LRDB) – Seat 5: The Lakeside Design Review Board is authorized by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego to advise on development projects in our community. The LDRB reports to the Planning and Development Services of the County. LHS has a designated seat on the LDRB. A representative of this Society shall be designated by the LHS Board at least three (3) months prior to the end of the incumbent’s term, or when necessary due to vacancy. The regular term is for two (2) years. Once a nomination is made, the President(s) will immediately notify the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, District 2, of the Board’s decision, in writing.
G. Memorials: Acknowledges memorials received and notifies families of gift donation. Orders plaques and mounts on Memorial Board. Writes article for newsletter.
H. Sunshine: Sends card to members who are ill or have lost family members.
I. Bricks: As funds are received, orders and places brick on Memorial Walk.
J. Building/Grounds/Restoration: Responsible for repair, maintenance and preservation of historical grounds.
K. Museum: Enlists and trains docents, plans and publicizes displays, conducts inventory and manage all deed of gifts.
L. Webmaster: Maintains and updates the Society’s website.
M. Gift Store: Directs and organizes operation of the LHS Gift Store.
N. Kitchen Coordinator: Directs and organizes operation of the food fundraisers.
O. Living History Days: Directs and organizes the planning and operation of the annual Living History Days event. Acts as liaison with Lakeside Unified School District to assist in promoting inclusion of Lakeside history to school curriculum and to encourage the membership of students.
P. Facility Rental and Use: Directs, manages, and schedules use of facilities by other groups and organizations. Manages rental use of church and hall rentals for weddings, memorial services, etc. Updates rental agreements as needed. Works with Gift Shop Committee Chair (or can be the same chairperson).
Q. Additional committees and chairs may be created and designated as needed by the Board of Directors.


Section 1: Nominating Committee.
A. At the March General Meeting, a Nominating Committee of three (3) plus an alternate shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present to serve for the remaining year. The committee shall meet with the Parliamentarian immediately after their election to select a chair and to determine a meeting date.
B. A slate of officers shall be presented at the October General Meeting. Further nominations may be made from the floor at the November General Meeting, at which time the election of the officers shall be held. Officers shall be elected by a majority of members present through a show of hands or, if there is more than one candidate for an office, by written ballot.
C. Elected officers shall take office on January 1st the following year. They will be recognized at the January General Meeting and newsletter.

Section 2: Generally, no member shall hold the same elected office for more than two (2) consecutive years, with the exception of the Secretary and/or Treasurer positions, who may serve longer. If no member comes forward for the president and/or vice president position upon the end of a particular term limit or the position goes unchallenged, another term can be allowed, upon vote or consensus of the Board.

Section 3: Vacancies in any office shall be filled by a majority vote of the members present at a General Meeting, except in the case of President as stated in ARTICLE V: Section 4.

Section 4: Any officer may be removed from office for due cause, after notification by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at a General or Special Meeting


The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order – Revised (latest edition), shall govern the proceedings of the Society except in such cases as are governed by these bylaws.


These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members present at a General Meeting provided the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous meeting.


All property owned by the corporation (LHS) is and shall be irrevocably dedicated to the purpose for which the corporation was formed and is existing. Upon liquidation, dissolution, or abandonment of the corporation, such property and assets shall be distributed to a non-profit fund, foundation, or corporation which has established its tax status under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


  1. Board Meetings of elected officers, chairpersons, and any members who wish to attend, will be generally held on the second Thursday of the month, at 10:00 a.m. in the LHS History Center. Minimally, they should be held before each General Meeting, no later than the Thursday prior to that date. The President(s) shall determine the need to reschedule, if necessary. For the purposes of the operation of this Society, the President’s office may be shared by two members who shall work together to achieve the goals of the office and the Society. Co-Presidents shall be nominated and voted upon in the same manner as a single President. Each Co-President may serve for two terms. Ideally, a new co-president should be elected every other year, so that the terms overlap to ensure a smooth transition, training and consistency. The same rules apply to the Vice-President’s position.
  2. The Board shall annually review the Society’s insurance needs and make recommendations.
  3. The Treasurer will provide a proposed budget to the Board at the November Board Meeting, unless there are extenuating circumstances. In such a case, the Treasurer will provide a proposed budget as soon as reasonably possible at the end of the calendar year. Prior to submitting a proposed budget, the Treasurer should meet with the President(s) to discuss the upcoming budget year. The budget shall be published in the Society’s December newsletter and approved at the January General Meeting, or per ARTICLE V, Section 6.
  4. There shall be no disruptive talking during the General Meeting. Members wishing to speak will be recognized by the President(s) and allowed three (3) minutes to speak.
  5. The Historical Society buildings shall not be used for church meetings on a regular basis.
  6. The Historical Society buildings may be available for club organization meetings, weddings, receptions, memorials, etc., at the discretion of the Society.
  7. Furnishings and equipment of the Society may be borrowed and loaned with permission of the President(s) or Gift Shop Chair. Items must be noted in the logbook (date & time) when borrowed and returned. Care must be taken to ensure these items will not be needed for Society events during their absence. Items’ condition should be verified upon return.
  8. Yearly dues are as follows:
    i. Individual – $20
    ii. Family – $35
    iii. Business/Organization – $50
    iv. Individual Lifetime – $200
    v. Business/Organization Lifetime – $500
  9. The Society will pay one (1) registration fee for a representative to the Annual Congress of History Conference.
  10. Archival materials, documents and pictures may not leave the premises.
  11. An annual financial audit shall be conducted by a member appointed by the Board by April of that next year.
  12. The Board shall authorize who can sign checks for the Society.
  13. The President may appoint, from the membership, two (2) board members at large, with approval of the Board. Their term would coincide with the appointing president(s) (for one year). Their rights and duties would include those of all board members. Additionally, they would act as liaison to the general membership, attend all Board and General Meetings, and receive assignments and duties from the Board, as needed.
  14. Any repair or maintenance required by or for the Society. Before commencing with such work, the project must be approved by the President(s) and Treasurer. An invoice should be submitted to the Treasurer for the record. Such an invoice should include the name and contact information of the person performing the work, a description/explanation of the type of work and its extent, the proposed cost, and the name of the person approving such work.
  15. These Bylaws of the Lakeside Historical Society shall be reviewed every two (2) years, beginning with the calendar year 2022, for accuracy and possible updates. In January of the review years, the Board of Directors will create a Bylaws Review Committee to review and recommend alterations, if necessary.


In 2020, a global pandemic resulted in mass public closures and eliminated public meetings for an extended period. Many organizations, including our own, were without pertinent procedures to manage operations in such a situation. This necessitated the creation and addition of these Emergency Management Guidelines, in order to set policies and procedures for any possible similar future occurrence.

  1. The LHS Board of Directors must acknowledge an emergency and authorize implementation of Emergency Management Guidelines. This can be done by telephone or email, dependent on the time factor. Authorization can be done by vote or consensus.
  2. Upon declaration of an emergency, the Board may, by vote or consensus, extend the terms of office indefinitely, for up to one year at a time.
  3. The Board may, by vote or consensus, suspend certain required Society policies and procedures including (but not limited to):
    a. Budget and Treasurer requirements
    b. Board and General Meetings
    c. Other events and/or procedures required by or within LHS
  4. Such suspension would be valid within that calendar year and should be re-evaluated by the Board at the beginning of the following calendar year.
  5. Upon the declaration of an emergency, the Board shall communicate its decisions and intentions to the members via the newsletter and email.

These revised Bylaws approved at the General Meeting of the Lakeside Historical Society held on Saturday, May 28, 2022.

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