Barker & Sons Market
In 1929 Otis Barker began wholesaling fruits and vegetables from a store at San Vicente Road and Highway 67 and operating produce trucks. From that he worked into the grocery business. When Otto Marcks died in 1953, Otis moved into his store on Maine Avenue. Three years later another move was made south on Maine Avenue to the Allied Food Store. Fred Prindle took over the Meat Department. The name was changed to Barker and Sons and Prindle and Son.
Birchard’s Store
Birchard’s Candy Store, located on the Corner of Laurel and River Streets, was across the street from the Train Depot on Laurel. The building still stands in disrepair. Mr. Birchard was the train agent for Lakeside for eleven years.
If you have any more information about Mr. Birchard, please let us know.
Tom La Madrid
This is only as “early” as 1950 (on). I knew Tom La Madrid rather well as my blacksmith and as a friend. He worked on many of the old Butterfield Stage Coaches to restore them to perfection and had them in many parades including the Historical Days parades in San Diego. He also restored the old covered wagons (for the same purpose) and did beautiful wrought iron work for many people who wanted it for decoration or purposeful gateways, etc. Tom and his wife lived on the corner behind what was the Lakeside Inn (it is a shop of some sort now). Tom had a son by the name of Fred, who is now also deceased. Tom was a hard constant worker who couldn’t stand laziness — and would easily say so!
From an obituary dated April, 1916.
Mrs. Alice Donahoo, wife of Thomas H. Donahoo of Lakeside, Cal., died suddenly at her home last Friday, March 31, 1916 . . . Mr. and Mrs. Donahoo were among the first settlers in La Mesa, living here until about three years ago, when they moved to Lakeside. Mr. Donahoo built and operated the blacksmith now owned by Geo. L. Williams and through their large acquaintance he and his wife made a host of friends in this community. The deceased is survived by . . . three daughters, Mrs. C. K. Couns [Kouns] of Lakeside, Mrs. J. B. Davis and Mrs. T. A. Baugher of La mesa . . .
There is little information available about the Blacksmith’s early years in Lakeside. If you have any information,PLEASE HELP US to fill in the gaps.
Cecil’s Restaurant
Cecil Carender’s first cafe on the corner of Maine Avenue and Sycamore Street. This building once housed Otto Marcks‘ Grocery Store, later became Cecil’s Café, then Anthony Held’s Hardware and Supply Company. In 1963, Leo Ward moved into this building and it has been Leo’s Lakeside Pharmacy ever since.

The new location of Cecil’s Café, now a Drive-in, on Woodside Avenue near Maine Avenue. This building, the old spring house, is the only structure remaining from the Lakeside Inn after its demolition in 1920 . . . it is still with us today in part.

Cecil’s Sporting Goods
In the building on the east side of Cecil”s Restaurant, Cecil Carender opened Cecil’s Sporting Goods Store ((corner of Woodside and Maine Avenues) (date unknown)). The storefront has continued throughout the years entertaining many different types of businesses. The building is currently in use.
El Monte Truck Line

If you’ve ever played the I-remember-when game, you know how easy it is to get caught up in the scents and sounds and flavor of the “old days.” Certainly that was the case when my sister Ellen and I started looking for memorabilia relating to our father’s truck line and how it fit into the history of El Monte Valley. Keep in mind the fact that I was a late-comer to the family so lots of my information is from old pictures and hearsay.
Joe Head, with some start-up help from John Wilkinson, began hauling milk out of El Monte Valley along about 1920. Previously, each dairyman had shipped his milk via the train in Lakeside. This had to be done twice daily, and that is the job that Dad took on. Later he began taking the milk directly to the creameries in San Diego (Arden Farms, Qualitee Dairy, PM Dairy and Hages come to mind).
Most of his stops situated along El Monte Road (Vanoni’s, Scholder’s, Denlinger’s, Peet’s, Wilkinson’s, Foster’s, Melville’s, and Furrier’s) but there were a few dairies located across the river. To save time in transporting the milk, Dad would run the El Monte Road route while my oldest brother, Norman, would take a smaller truck and pick up milk from the cross-river diairies. At a meeting spot in Lakeside, Norman ‘s load was transferred to Dad’s truck, and Norman then went on to Grossmont High School for his regular day schedule.
As time went on, some dairies changed hand’s, some failed during the depression years, and some just closed due to old age.
It was always a great treat when I was little to get to ride along with Dad, watch him work and listen to the neighborly chatter at each stop.
Each dairy barn had a deck built to a level even with the bed of the truck. By removing a sideboard, the ten gallon cans were wrestled on board and maneuvered into position in the load. “Wrestle” is an apt term when you consider the weight of ten gallons of milk is 80 pounds. The load was kept covered by bulky tarps to discourage excessive warming while on the way to the creameries. Once there, the cans were again wrestled onto the conveyor belts, dumped, washed, and set out on the dock for reloading onto the truck.
Dad’s morning run saw him leaving the house each morning at 6 am and returning by 11:30 am or 12:00 noon. The evening run was shorter, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. He kept to his schedule faithfully, never took a vacation, although he did consent to a Sunday off now and again when one of my brothers, Laurie, Norman, George or Ernie would take the route.
Added to the twice daily runs, was the responsibility of keeping his trucks in good running condition. Both he and Norman were good mechanics, and through their expertise and diligence his 1926 and 1928 trucks continued to travel the road until he retired in 1952. By then the milk producers were turning to refrigerated trucks and tankers.
As a side note, during the war years the call was put out for people to turn in tires to help the war effort. Tires were a rare commodity for the civilian population, and most people found it next to impossible to acquire new ones. But Dad put all but one truck on blocks, and hoped that one would stay mechanically sound for the duration.
Also during the war with its shortages, Dad had frequent riders–friends and neighbors needing to get to Lakeside or points beyond but not enough gas coupons to use for their own vehicles.
~ Allene Head Savage
Grayson’s Music Store

In 1958 Ray Grayson opened a music store at Los Coches and Maine Street. He taught two days a week for two years. The other days were spent teaching at his San Diego Store. From there he moved to Maine Street and later bought the Rocchio Building at Maine and Lakeshore, spending twelve years there. In 1966 he had over one hundred students a week studying piano, guitar, accordion and band instruments. The recitals were important events with most of the town in attendance. The auditorium would be packed. He had one teacher that was a member of the Chicago Symphony, another teacher played with the John Phillip Sousa band. He also used high school students as teachers.
Retiring in 1974, he returned in 1981, opening a store on Woodside Avenue, later moving to Maine Street where he and his son, Ray Jr., taught music.. This was Lakeside’s only [and last] music store.
Mr. Grayson is known for his many news columns which have appeared for more than twenty-five years in the local newspapers.
He is also quite an orator, once coming in as the second best speaker on radio. The first place went to Ronald Reagan, then Governor of California.
In 1964 and 1965 as President of the Lakeside Chamber of Commerce, he was able to up-grade the lighting on Maine Avenue; was instrumental in the paving of state highway ‘Rt. 67’ and with the help of the county, corrected a flood situation at the corner of Maine and Park. He was also able to honor Florence ‘Flossie’ Beadle, for her 25 years of service to the community of Lakeside with a dinner held by the Chamber.
Hartung Dent Bakery

Otto and Emma Hartung opened a bakery on Sycamore Street in Lakeside about 1914. Charles and Lola Cole managed the store. At that time the bakery products were baked by the Hartungs at their bakery on 5th Avenue in San Diego and shipped daily to Lakeside on
the railroad.
In 1915 they sold the San Diego Bakery, had a brick oven built in back of the Sycamore Street Bakery and built a roomy and comfortable tent house next door and moved to Lakeside.
In 1918 Samuel and Susie Dent bought the bakery. At this time they they were also running a bakery at Main and Magnolia in El Cajon.
A house and garage was built in 1925 next door to the bakery on Sycamore Street. A Mexican Restaurant now occupies the old bakery building.
The house and the old brick oven may be seen on Lakeshore Drive across from Leo’s Pharmacy.
Huffman Brothers Department Store
Augustus and Vera Huffman bought the Department Store (next to Lamadrid’s Lakeside Inn, which is now Leo’s Pharmacy) in 1936 from Francis DeWeese.

In 1946 a new larger store was built south of the first store on Maine Avenue.
Sons, Orville and Harvey both worked with their father.
In 1950 the store was sold to Mr. Jess Shaw who renamed it “The Lakeside Department Store.”
Lakeside Harness & Shoe Shop

Mr. Gandyra’s Harness Shop on Maine and Laurel was a favorite ‘dropping-in’ place for the old-timers. To name a few, there were J. L. Laws, George Nelson, Frank Jones, Joe Schiller, and Otto Marcks. They discussed politics, psychology, religion, and farm problems. Mr. Gandyra was listened to with respect on German affairs as he was a member of the German Army from 1887 to 1890 and served under three Kaisers; the old Emperor William, who died in 1888; then Kaiser Frederick, who ruled only 90 days; and finally Kaiser Wilhelm. They called themselves the Lakeside Philosophers Club. There were no regular membership, no dues, no fees, no standard meeting time – just ‘drop-in.’
In the Flood of ’27 the Shop lifted off its foundation and floated away towards the setting sun. Neely Schiller is seen in this photo.

Lakeside Lumber & Hardware Company
The Lakeside Hardware and Lumber Company came into existence in 1910 at the northeast corner of Maine and Laurel when Mr. W. D. Hall started it. In 1914 he sold to H. S. Kibbey and moved to El Cajon and established the W. D. Hall Lumber Co. The Lakeside Store continued its steady growth. In 1920, H. Bishop came to Lakeside and set up another Lumber Company on Maine Avenue, but it only survived one year.
Following the 20 years of ownership under Mr. Kibbey, the Company again changed hands and Mr.Miller took possession in May, 1934. Floyd L. Lake came to Lakeside in 1935 and purchased the Lakeside Hardware and Lumber Yard. He boarded with the Harvey Goodman’s for about six months before his wife, Louise, and daughter, Lorraine, joined him. They had remained behind to sell the house. Mrs. Louise Lake died in 1937 in Lakeside. Mr. Lake later married Velma, and they purchased the house on Vine and Laurel and resided there for a number of years. Mrs. Condon, Mr. Wilbert Palmer, Mrs. Erman Kouns and Mrs. Helen Kanady were employees in the 1940’s. Elmer Blossom was an earlier employee.
Kibby’s Lakeside Lumber and Hardware later became Lakeside Builders Supply as shown in the 1950 picture.
Lakeside Pharmacy & Dr. Poirier’s Office

It is believed that the Lakeside Pharmacy/Dr. Poirier’s Office was located on Sycamore Street between River and Maine around 1900 (where the Lakeside Harness Shop was later). Otherwise, there is currently no other information available.
If you have more information, please let us know.
E. L. Muse Mill

There is currently no information available. If you have any information about Muse’s Feed Mill, please let us know.
Newcomb’s Confectionery

There is currently no information available. If you have any information about Newcomb’s Confectionery, please let us know.
Parker Market
I. L. Blucher purchased the Park Store, on the corner of Parkside Street and Maine Avenue, from a Mr. Ferguson about 1926. It contained a soda fountain, picnic supplies and a few groceries. Mr. Blucher kept the fountain, enlarged the grocery business and changed the name to Blucher’s Store. In 1931, due to the Depression, the store was close and the Blucher family moved to San Diego. Augustus and Vera Huffman came from El Cajon, purchased the store, added a meat counter and changed the name to Park Market. I. C. Cooper was the butcher. In 1933 the store was sold to Ben T. Reid, who operated it until 1950. Jimmy Salas worked behind the meat counter. Mrs. Eva A. Smith was the bookkeeper and clerk. In 1945 she became Mrs. Reid.
Bill Koppel and Mr. Brown bought out the Reids in 1949 and Floyd Riggle took over the meat department.
In 1960 it was sold to Mr. Payton for a hardware store which is still in operation on this location. The old building burned to the ground in 1997, and was rebuilt the next year.
Rocchio’s Drug Store
This building was built in 1920 by the Woman’s Club of Lakeside to be used as their clubhouse. In 1945, they sold it to John Rocchio who remodeled the building into a very modern drug store. Leo Ward bought out Rocchio in October of 1960. Leo then moved across the street in 1963.
John B Rumsey General Merchandise
Mrs. Ottilie Moschcau came from Germany in November of 1908, with her two children, to visit her sister Fanny and family at Cajon Pass in San Bernardo. While there, she made a contact with a realtor and bought a grocery store in Lakeside on the corner of Sycamore and River Streets. It was through this venture she came in contact with the Marcks family who lived in the Julian area. On September 1, 1910, Ottilie and Otto Marcks were married. The grocery store was expanded and sold to Mr. John B. Rumsey, but Otto continued to work the store. In 1921, Otto bought out Rumsey and in 1924 this store was moved across the street on the southeast corner of Maine Avenue and Sycamore Street, where it remained until Otto’s death in 1935. The grocery business was then purchased by Otis Barker.
Watkins Bakery & Fountain
Watkins Bakery and Fountain, a combination of bakery, fountain and candy store, was opened in August 1947 on Maine Avenue.
Bob became famous for his Fruit Cake, which was shipped all over the country. His mail-order business was so great that he had to set up his own mail room in back of the store. This was a favorite gathering place for the youth, as well as the adults of Lakeside. The bakery was closed in February of 1962.