This is an excerpt from the Lakeside Historical Happenings Newsletter. Enjoy.
By Diane Angus, Co-President
After an extremely busy spring the volunteers of LHS deserve a much-needed summer break! Living History Days, chaired by Chris Herzog, was a wonderful success. Chris spent hours organizing this memorable event for third-grade children attending Lakeside elementary schools. We’ve had reports of now grown children recalling the Living History field trip as their most memorable field trip experience! It takes nearly 50 volunteers to teach the children about Lakeside in the early 1900’s. You are THE BEST Chris (and volunteers)!
Speaking of volunteers Gordon Shackelford, John Swink and crew are working to complete a “face lift” on the soon to be renovated Lakeside Agricultural Museum (see photo below). The museum is located in Lindo Park and will house displays of farm equipment used in the early days of Lakeside. After completion it will be open to the public several times during the year.
While most LHS activity will cease during July and August, your Board members will continue to meet and plan for the future on the first Friday of each month, at 10 am. Please feel welcome to attend; we are a friendly group of volunteers who are always looking for new helpers.
So, pour yourself a cool glass of ice cold lemonade, sit down on your porch and RELAX! Have a great summer.

Photo & Story by Billy Ortiz
Our Farming Implementation Museum remodel at Lindo Park is taking shape. The new exterior walls wrap around the building allowing us to insulate the building better to keep the interior cool. A front porch cover will be added.
To read the entire Lakeside Historical Happenings newsletter, use this link: July 2018 – Newsletter (You will need Adobe Reader or a pdf reader to view this list. You can download Adobe Reader here.)