Lakeside Museum Grand Opening!
Museum Committee

Like at the turn of the twentieth century, hundreds of enthusiastic people flocked to Lakeside to experience Lindo Lake, the Lakeside Inn and the weekend races. On the weekend of June 4 – 6, 2004, they came from all-over the county in cars, buses, motor homes, and even bicycles. One guest boasted of being from St. George, Utah! They came because now Lakeside’s past can be enjoyed in pictures and memorabilia at the Lakeside Museum.
The opening of your museum was indeed a huge success. To our delight, people were waiting at the front door even before the museum was open, and some visitors arrived at the last moment before closing, anxious to see and learn about Lakeside’s past. And many of the visitors lingered for more than an hour and everyone was thrilled to see your museum.

We would like for you to enjoy the museum. Please come by and visit, invite your family and neighbors, we are open Saturdays 10AM – 2PM. Or, by appointment, call (619) 561-1886.
12418 Parkside Street
Lakeside, California 92040
(next to our Olde Church)

Museum Contributors
We appreciate all donations whether they be items, labor or money. Following are some those persons who have given money in support of the museum.
Cash Contributors:
Sandra Andione
Jean Bailey
Linda Baines
Billie Bernal
Chuck & Elaine Brack
Eileen Carendar
Betty Carr
JoAnn Cordtz
Clarabell Cray
Gertrude Davis
Barbara DeYoung
Elaine Draper
Ed Duling
Barbara Goldstein
Peter Watkins
Bill & Cathy Hansen
Helen Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jones
Arlene Kaye
Michael King
Edna Kouns
Lakeside Garden Club
Irene LaMadrid
Dixie Lansdowne
Betty McMillen
Olga Puhn
Charlotte Robinson
Mary & Gayle Ruffin
Lois Sangster
Janis Shackelford
Peg Stewart
Joe & Feme Till
Jean Walker
Tina & Richard White
Ray & Barbara Whitlock
Woman’s Club of Lakeside
Gloria Work
Grace Wright
and many anonymous cash contributions.
Again, thank you everyone for making our museum possible. This has been a longtime dream of the Lakeside Historical Society and its members to have a show place that all of us can enjoy.